Erik Swars
Erik Swars is Head of International Relations at the Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (SFIVET). He has implemented numerous projects in international education cooperation at SFIVET and in his previous positions at the EPFL and Swiss Post. Erik Swars will take over as president of FoBBIZ in May 2021.
e-mail: erik.swars(at)
tel: +41 (0) 79 226 05 44
Franz Kehl
Franz Kehl is partner of the consultancy firm KEK-CDC Consultants and specialized in issues related to vocational education and training in Switzerland and in the international context of development cooperation. He will step down as president of FoBBIZ and as a board member in May 2021.
e-mail: kehl(at)
tel: +41 (0) 44 368 58 58
mobile: +41 (0) 79 635 85 79
Bettina Jenny
Bettina Jenny is Head of the "Basic and Vocational Education" team at HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation and deals with educational issues and programs in an international context.
e-mail: bettina.jenny(at)
tel: +41 (0) 44 368 65 17
Markus Maurer
Markus Maurer is a professor for vocational education at the Zurich University of Teacher Education. He works as a lecturer in the training of vocational teachers and does research on questions of vocational education in Switzerland as well as in low and middle-income countries. Moreover, he regularly takes on mandates in the field of international vocational training cooperation.
e-mail: markus.maurer(at)
tel: +41 (0) 43 305 66 12
Sibylle Schmutz
Sibylle Schmutz is on the FoBBIZ board together with Sandra Rothboeck as co-representatives of Swisscontact. She is responsible at Swisscontact for the subject area of vocational training in the area of Knowledge & Content Management. Previously she worked for Swisscontact for two years in the Swiss Vocational Training Project in Albania.
e-mail: sibylle.schmutz(at)
tel: +41 (0) 44 454 17 34
Roland Stähli
Roland Stähli is Professor and Head of the Teaching Department at the Bern University of Applied Sciences HAFL. He has many years of experience in rural development and rural education projects in the context of development cooperation. Roland Stähli will step down from the FoBBIZ board in May 2021.
e-mail: roland.staehli(at)
tel: +41 (0) 31 910 21 25
Sandra Rothboeck
Sandra Rothboeck is on the FoBBIZ board together with Sibylle Schmutz as co-representatives of Swisscontact. She is responsible at Swisscontact for skills development and enterprise development. She has many years of professional experience in Asia and especially India.
e-mail: sandra.rothboeck(at)
tel: +41 (0) 44 454 17 34
Christoph Pimmer
Christoph Pimmer is a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland. His core interests include the use of knowledge technologies, such as mobile, networked learning and knowledge management. Many of his transdisciplinary, international innovation projects are located in work and professional learning contexts.